1966 Chevrolet Artesian Turquoise
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(Artesian Turquoise : Chevrolet : 1965 - 1990)
At we have records of this paint for over 25 years of use, across 5 manufacturers/makes, and with 6 unique promotional names.

This code is listed in our database as a cross-reference to PPG code 43364; therefore, the results below are from that code.

1966 paint by Chevrolet with a promotional name of Artesian Turquoise. This blue green automotive paint color is most commonly known as Artesian Turquoise. Other common color promotional names include Green, Ocean Mist, Reef Turquoise, Turquoise, and Turquoise Mist. The color formulation has been used between 1965 and 1990, primarily by Chevrolet; but also by Buick, Company Fleet Vehicles, GM, Oldsmobile, and Pontiac. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Chevelle, ChevyII, Corvair, GTO, and Nova. See the full detailed list below.

The one Company/Organization with Fleet Vehicles using this color is: Bowman Trucking.

The short make/year code for this paint on a Chevrolet in 1966, is K. Careful when using this paint code along with the make and year to specify this paint since it is may not be unique. You can check the paint code here: K. The longer GM paint manufacturing code, sometimes called the "Fisher paint code", is WA3305. This longer manufacturing code is useful for tracking paint usage.

Example of 1966 Chevrolet Artesian Turquoise
1966 Chevrolet Artesian Turquoise
See more information on "1966 Chevrolet Artesian Turquoise"
or see paints with short model/year code of : K
or See all paints named "Artesian Turquoise" or "Artesian" or "Turquoise"

Examples of paint code 1966 Chevrolet Artesian Turquoise (click on image for larger/detailed view)

Usage list 1966 Chevrolet Artesian Turquoise paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
Green|PPG/Dupont Cross-Ref 1990|
GMKArtesian Turquoisemetallic, 65-71, |Autocolor Colour Register 1998-1999|
1965BuickBuickKTurquoise Mist
1965ChevroletChevelleKArtesian Turquoise
1965ChevroletChevroletKArtesian Turquoise
1965ChevroletChevyIIKArtesian Turquoise
1965ChevroletCorvairKArtesian Turquoise
1965ChevroletNovaKArtesian Turquoise
1965GMKTurquoise Mist
1965OldsmobileOldsmobileKOcean Mist
1965PontiacGTOKReef Turquoise
1965PontiacPontiacKReef Turquoise
1965PontiacTempestKReef Turquoise
1966BuickBuickKTurquoise Mist
1966ChevroletChevelleKArtesian Turquoise
1966ChevroletChevroletKArtesian Turquoise
1966ChevroletChevyIIKArtesian Turquoise
1966ChevroletCorvairKArtesian Turquoise
1966ChevroletNovaKArtesian Turquoise
1966GMKTurquoise Mist
1966OldsmobileOldsmobileKOcean Mist
1966PontiacGTOKReef Turquoise
1966PontiacPontiacKReef Turquoise
1966PontiacTempestKReef Turquoise
1990FleetBowman TruckingTurquoisemetallic

Paint Manufacturer Codes
GM(Fisher code) : WA3305
Make/Year Code : K
PPG/Ditzler : 43364
Dupont : 97217, 4628L, 181-97217, 4628
Acme/Rogers : 9664
Sherwin Williams : 2423
RM/BASF : A1718, 1718
Autocolor ICI Nexa : 2392M

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